My art is shaped by childhood experiences of the post-war period.
Rebuilding the destroyed world could be seen everywhere at the time, and the reuse of broken materials was a matter of course. That was long before recycling or upcycling became an issue.
Children’s eyes saw the disaster of ruins and piles of rubble as aesthetic structures. Ruins were part of everyday life and invited children to play. The variety and colorfulness of the different materials, especially the bricks, gave rise to creative activity. What adults did for a purpose, children imitated with their creative play. …

Reiner Seliger
- 1943 born in Löwenberg / Schlesien (nowadays: Lwówek Slaski (PL))
- 1952-70 Düsseldorf
- 1964-69 studies Industrial Design with Prof. Glasenapp, Folkwanghochschule, Essen
- 1967 EXPO 67, Montreal, Canada
- 1970-71 associate professor at National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad (India)
- 1972-75 Industrial Design, scultpure in London (GB), Milano (IT), Firenze (IT)
- 1976-80 Düsseldorf, Industrial Design / sculpture
- since 1980 lives and works in Freiburg (DE) & Castello di Montefioralle (IT)